Health Psychology Services

At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
SCPS Consulting Health Psychology Therapeutic Services
SCPS Consulting work with their Affiliate Health Psychologists to deliver Health Psychology Therapeutic Services within private healthcare settings around the UK. Our Affiliates work under the clinical governance and management of SCPS Consulting where SCPS is contracted to deliver high quality Health Psychology Therapeutic Services across a range of clinical specialities and in collaboration with the local multi-disciplinary healthcare team. Referrals to the SCPS Consulting Therapeutic Service are made via healthcare professionals and through self-referrals. Our Terms & Conditions of the Service are found here. Meet the SCPS Practitioner Psychologists below.
Sasha Cain
HCPC Practitioner Psychologist Chartered Psychologist, AFBPsS
Director of SCPS Consulting LTD
Consultant Health Psychologist

I am a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Practitioner Health Psychologist and am Director of SCPS Consulting. I was appointed as a Consultant Health Psychologist in 2004, I lead and delivered Psychology Services within the NHS for eight years. I offer outpatient services via skype sessions and provide psychological treatment and support for people who are looking to improve their health and wellbeing e.g. stopping smoking and addressing addictions, optimising their living experience of long-term conditions e.g. coping with pain and adjusting lifestyles. My background has been working in community settings, providing tailored services for people with complex long-term conditions, people who have recently experienced acute health incidents to those who are generally well but wanting to make improvements to their lifestyle. I apply the health psychology evidence base of health psychology with techniques such as Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and ACT Therapy to enhance outcomes and goals for my clients.

Dr Clare Eldred
DPsych., CPsychol.
Affiliate Health Psychologist
I am a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Practitioner Health Psychologist practicing as an Affiliate in SCCH Consulting's Health Psychology Service. I offer outpatient (face to face and skype) assessments and therapeutic treatments to people referred for bariatric surgery and more broadly to people with long term health conditions and chronic pain. I have particular interest in adjustment to physical injury and illness including where there are concurrent post traumatic stress reactions. I also have a background in working in acquired brain injury services. I have experience of providing psychological services within the voluntary sector, NHS and independent practice.

Dr Victoria Parlane
DPsych., CPsychol.
Affiliate Health Psychologist
I am a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Practitioner Health Psychologist practicing as an Affiliate in SCCH Consulting’s Health Psychology Service. I offer outpatient (telephone, skype and face-to-face) consultancy providing assessment and therapeutic intervention for people living with long-term conditions (e.g. diabetes, cancer, fibromyalgia, post-stroke care and ME). Additionally, I provide psychological health interventions to professionals from UK Fire and Rescue services, A & E Consultants, and General Practitioners. My background has been working in community settings delivering groups (pain-management, stress management, promoting healthy behaviour and lifestyles), and more recently in independent practice.
Having had training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) I apply evidence base health psychology models in combination with mindfulness, compassion and acceptance based approaches, which promotes effective support for people to improve their own health and lifestyles. I have experience in service development, as part of an NHS and DWP initiative, which successfully supported people with long-term conditions return to work-related activities. I also have experience of providing psychological services to parents providing practical guidance to help manage stressful common problems and promote resilience in children. I am also a visiting lecturer at the University of Derby for the MSc Health Psychology students.