Health Psychology Services

At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
3rd Practitioner Applied Health Psychology Conference 2024
Wednesday 26th June 2024 Online Conference #AHPC2024

Conference Mini Report:
The conference opened with Sasha Cain, Conference Organiser, setting the scene of equity, diversity & inclusion, starting with (systemic) discrimination) within Healthcare & Psychology.
Sasha highlighted the individual impacts of discrimination and linked this to all delegates and their wider networks. We are all linked to people who experience systemic discrimination and we are all part of the system.​​
Section 1:
Presentation 1: Shea-Lyn presented results of an investigation about key barriers to healthcare services across countries. Presentation 2: Jan presented on the Health Psychology Workforce and the ways in which we can make it more inclusive
Presentation 3: Anna presented a therapeutic case, using a CBT based model to reflect on her approach to raising & supporting discussions about discrimination
Presentation 4: Emma presented on ageism, specifically for older adults. Including some of her work in applying health psychology models to improve accessibility of older adults community based services.
Section 2:
Presentation 5: Sasha presented on her own practice and the process of changing her supervision services to include EDI discussions (practitioner & client facing)
Presentation 6: Anne presented on her experiences of adapting her practice to the various neurological and cultural needs of her clients with recommendations.
Key Note: Nicki and Kiran presented on their journeys to becoming Co-Chair's of the EDI Task Force. How EDI fits into their personal and professional lives and what the Task Force has been working on and key achievements so far.
Section 3:
Round table discussion. This was an open discussion, with some suggested topics from the Conference Organiser as well as responding to questions and suggestions from the delegates. This included reflections and feedback to the EDI Task Force; considering the balance of topic specific action versus systemic action that would benefit across protected characteristics; considering how we can provide additional support to Health Psychologists (and in-training) who identify as being from minoritized groups; consideration of the types of guidance on integrating EDI that could be included in training for Health Psychologists​​
The Conference has been held, but you can still view the content via the Video Access Option. Purchase this below.
Reduced rates available for current trainee's & students
We were delighted to welcome our first joint keynote speakers:
Dr Kiran Bains, Health Psychologist @ Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, & Dr Nicki O’Brien, Health Psychologist & Associate Professor @ Northumbria University.
Co-chairs of the BPS Division of Health Psychology EDI Taskforce, leading the DHP Committee in developing its anti-discriminatory capabilities, reviewing its processes and supporting the development of anti-discriminatory practices. ​​
#AHPC2024 Programme- Click to view

If you are unemployed / on long-term sickness or low income please email to request a reduced delegate rate