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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Physical Health - 3 day Package

Reviews: (…read more)


Led by: Sasha Cain, FBPsS, CPsychol, HCPC Registered Consultant Health Psychologist

Who is this course for?

Suitable for qualified and trainee Health Psychologists wanting to enhance their CBT skills applied to health psychology interventions for clients with physical health conditions and the challenges of managaing their treatments This course is suitable for those who have a basic theoretical knoweldge about CBT.This course includes the 3 individual CBT training days (Intro, Preventative Health, LTC Management) - please review indivudal course content for more detail.

What will this course cover?

This course will cover four areas of CBT knowledge and clinical skill development:

1. The Cognitive Behavioural Model applied to Health Psychology & Physical Health  management:

  • What is the CBT Model? (Background to CBT, conceptualising cases, assessment & formulation)

  • Process of CBT sessions: (agenda setting, Socratic questioning/guided discovery, core techniques, homework)

  • What is the health psychology evidence base for using CBT with individuals with LTCS?


2. Combining CBT and health psychology evidence base and practice for managing physical health popoulations and services:

  • Using Health Psychology theories and models to assess & formulate CBT interventions

  • Understanding CBT skills and techniques that increase LTC symptoms and treatment self-management

  • Identifying CBT and health psychology interventions useful for preventative healthcare and LTC management


3.  Using CBT to treat clients at different stages of illness,  rehab/recovery and lifestyle management: 

  • Prevention: attitudes, beliefs, self-efficacy for lifestyle modification, models of HP and use in CBT practice

  • Diagnosis – acute emotional reactions, functional capacity and decision making

  • Rehabilitation – adjustment,  symptom management, adapting lifestyle

  • Relapse – decision making for treatment, adherence issues and psychosocial impact of LTCs


4. Developing clinical judgement skills for assessing, formulating and intervening with physical helth populations:

  • Assessment of case studies and discussion of clinical practice issues

  • Maintaining reflective/ critical practice, utilising supervision effectively


As well as this there will be opportunity to action plan your next steps


How will this course help me?

We aim for Attendees to gain a comprehensive understanding of utilising basic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) skills and techniques to enhance working  practice with health psychology populations and enhance clients' self-management of their preventative health, LTCs and treatment and symptom control. This includes being able to;

  • Describe the basic Cognitive Behavioural Model and its relevance to managing individuals living with a range of lifestyle related and long-term physical health conditions.

  • Describe the basic CBT assessment and formulation methods and their application for understanding how to manage LTC symptoms, treatment and emotional adjustment and coping.

  • Determine how health psychology and CBT models can be combined to enhance health and well-being outcomes.

  • Understand how CBT might be adapted for working with individual clients with preventative health needs and LTC management.

  • Be aware of ethical, medical and healthcare factors that impact on delivering CBT with these populations.

  • Identify key changes in clinical practice to be implemented within their current role.

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We have included some additional Information which hopefully will be helpful to read before you arrive, and to prepare for attending the course. 

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